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This Expires Sunday Midnight PST

TikTok Ads Is The New Goldrush

TikTok Ads Is 
The New Goldrush

Here’s how to Profit Widley As An Affiliate on a Micro Budget with what Jani callsRapid Profit TikTok Ads

This Is A One-Time 70% Discount That Cuts $997 to $297!
This is Only Valid Till Sunday Midnight PST

Questions, Text +1 (732) 908-1467 or Email: elrickymataka@gmail.com

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


 TikTok Ads Is Blowing Up & Right Now is The Absolute Best Time To...

 🤑 Start Milking TikTok Ads For Easy Cash  🤑

...Just like Jani's been doing along with a handful of students he's already taught this system to.

Like Fransisco Who Made A Quick $235k recently within 1 month!👇


Who Then Made Another $100k The Next Month! (see march results)

👇 Scroll down to see some Current amazing Student results...!👇

Student Hits $126k In ONE Week!

Another One Hits $5k PER DAY FAST

Carina just sent me a message of her $44k THIS WEEK

That’s $44,020 This week so far, and as you can see she’s been scaling up her Income EVERY WEEK To a total of...

$145,282 in the past 4 Weeks!

Check Out This Zoom Video Where Jay Talks About Making $400 Profit On DAY 1, $450 On Day 2!


👇 New Student Hits $20k Weeks in his first 2 weeks across 2 Clickbank Accounts Using Our TikTok Ads Affiliate Method 👇

Below is the Message he sent me on Facebook Messenger... 💬

Vivian Made $215 on her SECOND DAY With ONE TikTok Video

Jason got to $846 On Day 2 with Just $90 Ad Spend

(Me and Jay on a Zoom Call)

And Another Student Spent $100 on TikTok Ads And Made $475 On Day 3

And Then This Total TikTok Ads NEWBIE, Was Able To Get $3,200 in Commissions The Second Day

 💰 I’ve Been Able To Make As Much As $329,825 Per Month With TikTok Ads And Affiliate Offers... 💰

As Much As $41,531 Per Day!

And Another $373,191 Month…

Not To Mention Paid On Action Commissions For Generating Leads For Different Services Via My Affiliate Link On TikTok Ads

Here’s My Affiliate Manager Telling Me I’ve Got $144,162 For The Week, In Commissions

$144,162 For The Week!

...And NOW I’m ready To Share This With a Handful of People, After previously ONLY Teaching This At 2 Private Workshops and a Small Beta Test Group, who paid thousands to learn
But YOU Won’t Have To

Attendees paid thousands to travel to watch me teach this at 2 separate Live workshops At Affiliate World, but you won’t have to... because I got you a Special One-Time Offer!!

Hey, Its me Jani along with Ricky Mataka, 

I put together this special page for friends and subscribers of Ricky only, to let you in on a little secret.

TikTok Ads Is The New Goldrush…

And after teaching this TikTok Ads Affiliate system to those lucky enough to attend 2 separate workshops I recently gave just before the Affiliate World conference recently in Dubai…

I’ve literally dropped everything else to focus on teaching this to ensure you get the results you’ve always wanted…

I stopped doing Facebook Ads, Snapchat Ads and  Youtube Ads which I was making good money with.

TikTok Ads are in whats known as ‘the Goldrush’ stage of a traffic platform...

And i’ve been using TikTok Ads combined with a specific Sequence that has to be used correctly, to promote 2 types of Affiliate offers:

Paid On Action

Get Paid Just For People Filling Out a Form

Clickbank Affiliate

High Converting ‘VSL’ offers

Both work amazingly well on TikTok IF you know how to do it correctly.

Paid On Action is an affiliate model that most people have no clue about, but it allows us to partner with big companies, to get paid $10 - $45 each time someone fills out a form, and no one has to buy anything for us to get paid

Then we have Clickbank, which i’m sure you’ve heard of before where we can promote a mass market type of offer and get a commision

We've seen amazing results with 2 Clickbank offers in 2 totally weird Niches that have made more than $400k since April. Check this out...

Upto $41,531 Per Day in Clickbank Commissions Using TikTok Ads

Upto $28,079 PER DAY

👇 Check out These 2 Videos I Made of me Logging Into My Clickbank Account showing a total of over $720k👇 

Live Login - $402,710 with Tik Tok ads since April in Clickbank commissions

The Latest Live Login Video Showing This Past Months Results Of $329,825 This Month

As Much As $144,824 PER WEEK With Tik Tok Ads 

Here shows the total made so far at the time of writing this, which is a total of...

$402,710 In Affiliate commissions 

You see, after I silently raked in close to $100k in my first 2 months testing this TikTok Ads Affiliate method ‘On the Side’ , and then ramped it up to a total of over $903k currently promoting the 2 types of Affiliate offers I mentioned above…

1 - Paid On Action 

2 - Clickbank

🤞 I thought it was just plain old ‘beginner's luck’ 🤞

But then, I started sharing this repeatable Rapid Profit Tiktok Ads Affiliate Method to a small number of Individuals after I shared my initial results in one of my FB Groups.

I Then helped a couple of people one on one, and also by holding a one day In Person event here in London to share the exact system with 5 people who were willing to pay me more than $5k each to learn directly from me, after they saw the recordings of the initial workshop I did in Dubai.

To cut a long story short…

Beginners Who Learned This From Me, started REAPING profits that they’ve never seen before, helping some quit their day jobs and do this full time…

Check it out:

Dam sent me this message telling me he resigned from his job on Monday because he was able to earn more than his full time income with this system...👇

Pudas From India Spent $60 To Make Back $340 in his second Day…

Pranav from India has currently Made over $56k With TikTok Ads And Paid On Action 👇

Brett just Hit His First $1,000 Day Using TikTok Ads As You Can See From This WhatsApp Message He Sent Me Below:

Ash From Malaysia Got To Her First $1,000 Day
...After Just 5 Days!!!

And It Wasn’t Until My Small Group Of Beginner Students Showed Me These Results Recently , That i Realized…

This Could Work For Just About Anyone As Long As They Follow The System & Process

…Right Now TikTok Ads Is Where Facebook Ads Were Back in The 2011 FB Goldrush…And The Affiliates Who Jumped On Board Facebook Ads Back In 2011, Made Millions, Including Me!

Why Does That Matter?

Because I’ve been there with Facebook Ads back in 2011 when me and a group of other Affiliates were literally turning PENNIES INTO THOUSANDS Of Dollars Every Day Over And Over…
That is why I know how powerful this is. 

And Now…History Is Repeating Itself, With A New Traffic Platform, TikTok Ads…

This Time, Its Bigger…

Its Faster

There’s Even More Traffic

Its Even Cheaper…

There are not many Advertisers

What does this mean?

Cheap traffic, targeted traffic and a HUGE Opportunity

IF you know how do run TikTok Ads the RIGHT WAY.

TikTok Ads are a totally different Traffic and Ad platform than any other and you can’t run ads the way you’d run ads on FB or any other traffic platform.

Well, I’ve figured out how to Use Low Risk Low Cost TikTok Ads, the right way, to Turn Penny Clicks Into Thousands In Commissions Daily, Using A Unique Method I’ve Not Seen Anyone Else doing…

And With that said, i’d like to invite you to join me so we can make money together from Tiktok Ads And Milk It For What Its Worth....

Here’s A Quick Recap of What We’re Doing

The brand new 30 Day Live Daily Case Study and Challenge has already started!
People Are Going NUTS asking can we have the discount they missed
So You NEED To Get In Now Not To Miss Out

The Goal In 30 Days is To Go From Zero To $10,000 Using Tiktok Ads Combined With Paid On Action and Clickbank 

You can choose what you want to promote...

This is something myself and a small group of my inner circle students from my previous coaching group have been doing since the beginning of this year to rake in ridiculous amounts of affiliate commissions with.

And it's not by doing regular affiliate marketing or needing to sell anything in order for you to make money with Paid On Action

In fact, even some of the well known gurus don’t even know that this way of making money even exists.

Here’s How How This Method And System For Making Serious Cash With TikTok Works...

There are 2 parts to making this system very profitable

First - We’ll begin making money by doing something called Paid On Action as its the easiest to make money with as no one has to buy anything

You can choose to promote clickbank offers if you wish, but I recommend starting with Paid On Action as you don't need a large budget to start seeing good profits

Q: What Is Paid On Action?

Basically, it's where we promote a mass market offer which most people in the world already need.

And we get paid each time someone takes an ‘action’

This action would be filling out a simple form.

As soon as the person fills out the form and hits on the submit button, YOU GET PAID

You Get Paid Between $10 - $50 Each Time Someone Fills Out A Form, And They Don’t Need To Buy Anything!

You see, big companies are willing to pay people like You and Me, to send them targeted leads and they don't have any limits to how much they can pay you.

And We’re going to Be Getting 10’s, 100’s, even Thousands of these $10 - $50 commissions all day long by combining This with one of the most profitable, and newest traffic sources

I’ve partnered with the companies I’ve been working with to offer my students exclusive access to these Paid On Action offers, which usually you’d not get approved for if you went and applied on your own

We’ll Be Using TikTok Ads To Get Low Risk, Low Cost, Targeted Traffic, And Turn Penny Clicks Into Thousands Of Dollars, Over And Over

Tiktok Ads is a goldmine traffic source that's still in its infancy, which is already making regular people extremely rich in a short amount of time.

And I’ve figured out the formula for making Tiktok Ads Extremely profitable, which i’m going to be showing you how to do yourself, Live , Over The Next 30 Days Together

And The Reason Behind Why This system Works So Well, Is Because Of A Specific Sequence I’ve Been Testing And Perfecting Which I Call, 

The MBRPTA Sequence

"Micro Budget, Rapid Profit, TikTok Ad Sequence"

Which is The Driving Force Behind Why This Method and System Works So Well

And it allows us to use Tiktok Ads , To Get Low Risk, Low Cost Traffic, And Turn Penny Clicks Into Thousands of Dollars In a Short Period Of Time.

So with that said, With Your Permission, i’d like To Invite You To Join Our First Beta Test Group! This is already so much FUN!


💰 The $0 - $10k in 30 Days With Tiktok Ads Challenge And Case Study 💰

Isn’t that a cool looking eCover? My designer did a great job haha 

I paid him more than $400 for the set of graphics he made me!

And I’ve put this into a step by step video course with a Live Daily Case Study included , within what I Call Rapid Profit TikTok Ads.

Here’s What You’ll Learn Inside 'Rapid Profit TikTok Ads'...


This is the Main training which is broken down into 5 Core Modules:


Module #1

  • ​3 Big Keys to Tiktok Ad Profits 
  • ​Quick Ad account set up
  • Everything you need to know about Tiktok Ads 


Module #2

  • Affiliate Offers That work well on Tiktok Ads
  • ​The MBRPA Winning Sequence


Module #3

  • High Converting Tiktok Ad Creative Formula
  • 11 Tiktok Ad Templates  
  • ​44 Tiktok Ad Hooks to swipe 
  • Power Play 6 Tiktok Ad Template


Module #4

  • ​Micro Budget Tiktok ad Rapid testing strategy 
  • 5 Power Profit Plays 


Module #5

  • Scaling to $1K PER DAY consistently 
  • Scaling from $1k to $10k per day and beyond
  • ​Automating your campaigns for an effortless daily income 

💸  $0 - $10k With TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge  💸

We’re going to use what we learn in the Superclass, to set up a BRAND NEW ‘Paid On Action’ or Clickbank Campaign , and you’ll get to 
Together we’ll launch a profitable TikTok Ads Affiliate Campaign Using my Tiktok ‘MBRPA’ Sequence .

Now When I initially put this program together…

I decided that as much as i’d love to give this away for free, I want to make sure only ACTION TAKERS Get access to this today.

So i decided I would put a $997 price tag on this to weed out those who would maybe buy this and then try to sell it to others for cheaper or something!

But then I realized $997 may be a little too steep for most people

So i decided to cut that price in half and offer this for not $997, but for JUST $497

But Then I had a better idea!!

I have been working on a members platform for people who want to learn how to turn Paid Ads into huge profits as an Affiliate…

So What I’d like to do is...

I’d Like To Offer You Access To the Rapid Profit TikTok Ads Program For FREE!…

…Simply By Becoming A Founding Member Of a Brand New Exclusive Insider Membership Platform I’ve just launched, Called:

 Press Play to watch an Overview Video Of How The Rapid Profit TikTok Ads System Works

Here’s Everything I Get By Acting Today and Claiming My Aff Labs All Access Pass

Rapid Profit TikTok Ads

$497 Usually, Your’s FREE!

The Full Course on how to use TikTok Ads To Promote Affiliate Offers that turn penny clicks into thousands!

$0 - $10k With TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge

$497 Usually, Your’s FREE!

Together we’ll launch a profitable TikTok ‘paid on action campaign’ Using Jani’s Tiktok ‘MBRPA’ Sequence

Live Daily Case Study $0 - $10k

Free With Afflabs All Access

You’ll Get The Rights To Use The Exact Same Campaigns Which You Watch Us Make Money With Live

Ready Made Plug n Play Campaigns from  The Live Case Study

Free With Afflabs All Access

Look over the shoulder of a 7 Figure Power Affiliate As we make money Live with TikTok Ads And Paid On Action!

Daily Action Plan & Resources 

Free With Afflabs All Access

Get the summary of the days action plan in a PDF with precise action steps, as well as all resources we use daily

Live 2x Weekly Q&A

Free With Afflabs All Access

Ask Jani anything and get Live help with your own Tiktok Ads Affiliate campaign, on our Live Daily Q&A

One Year All Access Pass to AffLabs!

Regular Price $997 Per Yea - 70% Off Today

Our new premium members only platform where we share the cutting edge, insider 7 figure affiliate secrets, tips , tricks, monthly trainings and Case Studies, brought to you by real 7 figure affiliates who live the real affiliate lifestyle and are actually in the trenches doing it!. You get one year of full access as part of this special offe

A New Profitable Case Study and Challenge Every Month For a Full Year!

Every month we start a new case study and challenge, where we use our own money to launch test, profit and scale a paid ad affiliate campaign on a specific traffic source live, so you can copy what we do and shortcut your way to profits by only using what works!

Monthly Ready Made Plug n Play Profitable Campaigns Every month

Plug in, play and profit from our proven ready made campaigns that are already making money. We do all the work, and just hand you the money making information / campaigns to run. These are the campaigns you watch us make money from in our monthly live case study and challenge. So unlike fake gurus who claim they provide you with done for you campaigns, we actually let you watch us make money with them first, then give you exclusive access to only what makes money.

Live ‘Closed Door’ Workshops Every Month 

Every month we hold a closed door secret workshop for our members only where we expose exactly what we’re doing to make huge amounts of money as an affiliate, and share the exact strategies with you. You’ll get to watch our monthly workshop LIVE plus keep the recordings AND access our library of all previous Workshops! 

Daily and Weekly guidance to help you succeed fast!

Get personal coaching every day for 30 days to ensure you get results and then 2x per week for a whole year.

Fly On The Wall Interviews 

Exclusive interviews with current affiliates every month who are making serious money online, where they reveal everything. You get to be a fly on the wall as we grill a different affiliate every month to share what they’re currently doing to kill it online. You get to hear top of the food chain knowledge every month, right from the source!

Your REAL Inside Advantage

With everything you gain access to with AffLabs ALL ACCESS, you’ll have a true Insider's Advantage so you can finally achieve the success you’ve dreamed of as an affiliate.

Fast Action Bonus: 
Amazing Youtube Live

This is where you will watch Jani G Live Over The Shoulder Helping Ricky Kick Off His TikTok Ads! This will be so much fun and will help you get started!

This will be the first 30 day challenge as we kick off our Beta tester program within Afflabs...

And then every month after that, we’ll be doing a new Case study and challenge to make sure you are always on top of whats working now, to give you the best chance of success with paid ads as an Affiliate

And currently there are 2 ways you can access the

🤑 $0 - $10k With TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge and Case Study 🤑 

Option 1

Join The $0 - $10k With TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge On Its Own For $497

Or Get 100% FREE Access to the Challenge by activating your 12 month access to AffLabs ALL ACCESS and get all the other trainings and support offered with Afflabs

Option 2

Become a founding member of Afflabs ALL ACCESS Special 70% Off Discount @ $297!! (Through This Page Only)

And Get free access to the $0 - $10k With TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge PLUS Every other 30 day challenge and case study after the 30 days!

Afflabs ALL ACCESS will be $97 Per Month when we officially launch and currently, you can only subscribe to a 12 month plan which costs $997 per year.

However today i’d like to offer you not only fREE access to the first ever

$0 - $10k With TikTok Ads 30-Day Challenge

But Also a Huge 70% discount On Afflabs ALL ACCESS As A Founding Member!

Yes Jani! I Am Ready And I Want To Go From $0 - $10k in 30 Days With TikTok Ads and ‘Paid On Action’ By Taking Part In The NEW ‘Rapid Profit TikTok Ads’ LIVE 30 Day Challenge AND Case Study As A Beta Tester For FREE, Simply By Activating My Afflabs All Access Membership...

Questions, Text +1 (732) 908-1467 or Email elrickymataka@gmail.com

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

100% Risk FREE Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you don't like your purchase, then you can simply send us an email at support@slingly.com or by clicking the support tab in our members area, and we'll refund you 100% of your investment, guaranteed, within just ONE CLICK.

BUT there's a good chance you'll be making such great progress and seeing amazing results by then, you’ll probably have no reason to.

🔥 Rapid Profit TikTok Ads 🔥

Every day people like you are making a full time living online. Since the pandemic of 2020 we have experienced a massive shift in online growth.

I’ve been online marketing for over 20+ years now, and there has NEVER in my opinion been a BETTER time to start an online business for yourself and family! 

Let me give you a PROVEN system & business model that actually works with Jani along with the absolute training to follow through, so I can help get you started in the right direction! There is a new life waiting for you on the other side of these walls you've been trapped in for so long...

Multi 7 Figure Serial Entrepreneur.
Over $40M Of Digital Online Products Sold

This was not suppose to be taught to many....
But I got you Special Access & 70% OFF Discount $297 Price Tag Will Expire In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Questions, Text +1 (732) 908-1467 or Email: elrickymataka@gmail.com

I Took The Risk Of Massive Action
 I Then Mastered The Game... and Now Its YOUR Turn!

And here’s a sneak peak at what Aff Labs All Access looks like once you now decide to get access to the Inside:

We’re a real company here at Afflabs and we created Afflabs with one goal in mind, to make you a successful affiliate by giving you whats working now, every month , by sharing what we are doing, taught and delivered to you by real 6 and 7 figure affiliates.

Here’s a recap of everything I’m Getting Today When I Say YES AND TAKE ACTION NOW

  • ​ Rapid Profit TikTok Ads! -  $497 Value
  • ​ $0 - $10k With TikTok Ads 30 Day Challenge - $497 Value
  • ​ Ready Made Plug n Play Campaigns - $297 per month Value
  •  Lifetime Access To Aff Labs All Access
  • ​ 2x Weekly Live Q&A - $997/year Value
  • ​ Fast Action Bonus: Watch REPLAY as Jani G walks Ricky through a complete TikTok Ads Setup from Zero To Hero!

Total Value $23,220

Get INSTANT ACCESS To Everything RISK-FREE For Only 
$997 Just $497! - TYPE IN CODE: 70%RICKY

Questions, Text +1 (732) 908-1467 or Email: elrickymataka@gmail.com

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

WARNING: As we’re only accepting a limited number of founding students into AffLabs for this huge 70% discount and offering limited FREE access to the Rapid Profit TikTok Ads Course and The 30 day challenge, The 70% discount will only be available for the next few days where the price will go back up to the regular price of $997 for 12 months full access to Afflabs All Access, on Sunday.

The $0 - $10k In 30 Days Has Already Started, But We Have Been Requested So Many Times
To Get Into The Program At Beta Pricing! So We Did Just That But Only Till Sunday Midnight PST

You will receive access instructions once you claim your discount below

Warning: This special will go back up to $997 on Sunday July 9th Midnight!
So If I were you, i’d get in now at the lowest discounted price before its too late

Claim Your Free Access To Rapid Profit TikTok Ads and Your Spot On The $0 - $10k In 30 Days With Tiktok Ads Challenge Now, Simply By Activating Your Afflabs ALL ACCESS Membership For A Huge 70% Discount Simply By Clicking The Nice Looking Button Below For $997 Just $297 Today


We decide to let you have LIFETIME Access For This One time Special Low Price

Again TYPE IN Code 70%RICKY Will Be Deactivated Sunday Midnight PST!!

Questions, Text +1 (732) 908-1467 or Email: elrickymataka@gmail.com

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

(If you get to the order form and the code does not work, Then we are sorry you can still get in but will cost you $997 however please send Us a message and We'll send you the Discount Access Link If We Still Have Spots Available

Hurry - $297 Enrollment Price Will Go up To $997 On Midnight July 9th

Thanks for reading and I look forward to personally helping you get rich from TikTok Ads, and maybe even meeting you in person one day so we can celebrate together…

Seriously though, Don’t Miss The Boat On TikTok Ads and This Rare Time in History…

I missed the boat on Youtube ads a couple years ago , right now TikTok IS where the money is, and a LOT of it.

And I hope you don’t look back at this moment in a couple of months from now and wish you jumped on board while Tiktok Ads were still hot. 

BUT You still have time By clicking this link here 

Your friends, Ricky Mataka and Jani G 

P.S - here’s a funny pic of me in the AffLabs HQ where we’ll be filming all our content , I wore a smart shirt because I thought I looked cool, but I clearly didnt! Lol 

Or If you have any questions, Send me a message on Facebook and lets get this money together

Or email me here


You can also text Ricky @ +1 (732) 908-1467 with any questions!

We Will See You On The Trainings!

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EARNINGS CLAIM STATEMENT: Divorce The  Boss Marketing, LLC. (aka Slingly) is a company dedicated to helping people achieve their self-education, and self-employment goals. We provide quality online training programs to people who seek freedom of time, and freedom of location.

INCOME DISCLAIMER: This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of our own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. Slingly makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense. 

LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: By reading this website or the documents it offers, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice. You further agree that our company cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of your business as a result of the information provided by our company. It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation of your business if you intend to apply any of our information in any way to your business operations. In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding income as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for entertainment purposes only". Always seek the advice of a professional when making financial, tax or business decisions....

All Your Questions Answered

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